Soul Growth Through Teachers, Guides, And The Unexpected

Happiness Journey

Soul growth through teachers, guides and the unexpected often arrive in synchronicity. Particularly just when I need it. To be fair, my spiritual path has been an up hill climb and falling down deep valleys. Its been running around a few circles, along with dark nights of the soul, leading me down a bumpy spiritual path. Along my journey I’m still surprised at the teachers and guides that come along just at the right time. And not always in the form or person I expected. Like my dog. He’s a pretty good guide reminding me to go for walks and taking naps are always a good idea.

Do you have favorite teachers, guides or mentors? Is there a resource(s) you turn to when brain fog settles in? And just maybe, like me, you have outgrown classrooms, graduating to the next, or have gone back to teachers from years ago to remind yourself of lessons. Or maybe I just like kindergarten. AnyHOO. Must be those naps.

Uncomfortable Soul Growth Growing Pains

Melody Beattie showed up, some time ago, when I had a big bump – let’s call it a jaw-dropping mountain, in the middle of my road. Some of you will be familiar with her books on codependency although I discovered her book Finding Your Way Home: A Soul Survival Kit. In my case it helped mend my shattered heart. Moreover its a book I gave away as gifts over the years because the tools she offers can help all of us just when we need it most. It’s been awhile sense I’ve thought about her messages that resonated so profoundly in those very uncomfortable times, however, returning to her website, reading her daily meditation felt like coming home again. I may just have to make it a frequent visit.

Recently I have been getting a bit itchy, a little uncomfortable, with everything going on externally in our world and internally as well. Are you feeling it too? If you follow astrology you may already know that the heavens are squaring off with some heavy conversations. I’m sure that doesn’t help. Generally speaking, its kind of a shitty vortex of energy cycling through are world. Although to be fair, it is up to us on how to work though it and to choose our state of mind. And just like that, feeling a bit down, two new teachers step onto my playing field. WooHoo!

New Kids On The Block For Soul Growth

Soul Revolution – MaryJo Cranmore is a dynamic personality. Her tarot card videos caught my attention, ya’ll know how I like to dabble in cards, and one video let me to the next and then to her website. I haven’t taken any classes (yet). That being said I love her down to earth approach to life and soul growth messages and I’m pretty sure she just may be an appealing teacher. Check her out and let me know what you think. Since I’m a curious person I just may pull the trigger and sign up on her Chiron course. Stay tuned!

Esther Hicks – Many of you may have heard of Abraham Hicks already, but that being said, I’m late to the party here. To put it differently, its a party that I knew was going on over there, just I wasn’t really into the music or interested. It just wasn’t for me. Make sense? That being the case, it wasn’t until just a few days ago I clicked on a cartoon video on YouTube by accident. Now I know there aren’t really any accidents. Nope. The Universe stepped in, providing me a glimpse of wisdom I needed to hear in a form I could absorb. God is good that way, delivering exactly what I needed, especially as I am navigating my happiness journey. What unexpected treasures I found that resonated with me in unexpected ways. Stay tuned!

Moving Forward

Taking a deep breath, feeling excited for what’s next, I’m going to let Spirit guide me through this next chapter of lessons and teachers. As shown above my curiosity is opening up doors and channels prompting me to be open. To be fair, its also prompting me to share more too. There is a whoosh of energy pushing me. Let’s see where it goes.

Sending you lots of love and happiness.

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