What Seeds Will You Plant In Your Garden Today?

Happiness Journey
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Dear Lord.

What seeds will you plant in your garden today?

I will plant seeds of kindness, love, joy, patience, boundaries, beauty

Snap a screenshot to let the Universe show what seeds to plant.

bed of flowers

The energy is heavy. There is a cloud hanging over the day. When that happens what do you do? Or do you ever have heavy, gloomy days? I’m compelled to share with you, dear reader, that sometimes shit happens. Clouds roll in and that’s that. There doesn’t have to be an explanation and it doesn’t have to make sense. It just is.

Your Choice When Planting Seeds

Pour a glass of your favorite beverage.

Turn your favorite tunes on.


If only it was that easy. Sometimes it’s not. It – whatever it is – is a pain in the ass. But when it comes right down to it, we all have a choice on what seeds we will plant today no matter the emotional weather rolling in and around us. Will it be seeds of abundance or will it be seeds of the ego? Choices. Choices.

Message for YOU

Here’s the deal; at times it takes more than you. It takes a higher power to help us scoot along on our path. It takes prayer, it takes someone to listen to you giving perspective that you may not be able to see, and, just maybe, its giving yourself the grace of being okay wherever you are. And that’s okay. Repeat, “THAT’S OKAY.”

Soul Message

I open my heart to fully receive Your divine guidance for my highest good.

Sending you love and happiness.

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