Happiness Journey

Once upon a time ago I participated in a happiness challenge tracing my observations over a hundred days. And I’ve been giving thought to focusing on an internal happiness quest of sorts again, because I think I may have gotten lost this last year. Did I let the virus, political unrest and polarized opinions muddy the home front? Have I lost my way? Yes. I can feel the mud and grit clinging to my soul. Its time to get busy remembering why my soul is here.

After all the turbulence of the last year and the cranky arrival of 2021 this message of turning inward, finding (and focusing on) glimmers of happiness, and letting it shine bright is my beacon for 2021. It’s time to return to our softer divine feminine energy to balance the aggressive warlike energy. Its time to bring light into a dark world and it starts inside each of us with choices we make. For me, its time to focus on happiness.


A new moon is always a good time to start something, a time for contemplation, asking yourself what do you want to birth? Taking some time out for yourself during a new moon, especially at the beginning of the year, to do a bit of dreaming through asking yourself powerful questions, coming up with a word of the year, or creating a vision board... maybe all three. Whatever you do be open to what comes up. Especially if it pops up over and over again.

6 Steps Along the Happiness Journey

Chopra wrote about the Formula for Happiness much more eloquently than I will ever be able to do. I highly recommend you pop over and read the article. I love the simple formula Yearning + Trust = Happiness, but because it looks simple on paper (or screen) doesn’t mean its easy to put into practice.

Little moments create big days. Like many, I sometimes struggle when it feels like a week of perpetual Mondays are ganging up on me and its hard to see any light at the end of the day, let alone any glimmer of happiness. That’s why it’s sometimes important to have a map of sorts to get a bit of direction. To help us, I’m sharing 6 signposts to help guide us along the happiness journey.

*NOTE: Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is not external. Happiness is internal moments that light you up. Happiness is a choice and begins with our thoughts and our patterns

  1. Gratitude: count your blessings
  2. Let it go: don’t sweat the small stuff, forgive yourself, forgive others
  3. This too shall pass: nothing lasts forever, life is filled with peaks and valleys. Embrace the journey, enjoying the here and now.
  4. Start with you: make self care a priority, including filling yourself up with healthy food and getting plenty of exercise.
  5. Shift your focus: nurture relationships with others. Practice kindness. Volunteer.
  6. Ask for help: a different perspective is sometimes all you need to find clarity. Asking for help is a show of courage and just may be the thing to help you shift.

Sending you love and happiness.


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