Are You Feeling It?

Are you feeling loved and supported by life on day 4 of 14 days Affirmation Challenge? Today I shuffled the deck and pulled my card for the day to focus on and its a doozy. Just sayin.

Today’s Affirmation

I am loved and supported by life.
Notice all the ways you are being supported. Complete this sentence ten times: Life is supporting me by…

Louise Hay and Robert Holden

I’m wondering about my choice of affirmation cards…but, no, God knows exactly what I need. Let’s hug a dragon or two and work through the twinges. Stay with me.

Life Supports Me By…

Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.
Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.

I am Loved

Last night, sitting in the living room with a box of old photos that I pulled down from the top of my closet, smelling faintly musty and of nostalgia, I tripped down memory lane. I was on a mission; find photos of my son over the years for his graduation slideshow, the more embarrassing the better. You know the kind, the chunky naked, baby picture that only a mother can adore, and make your grown son groan. It’s a win win.

Pulling bundles of photos out, sharing this one and that one with my son and his boyfriend that struck a memory cord, laughing at our shared journey through forgotten days and moments frozen in time. Pictures of my children’s childhood littered the living room floor as we indulged in long-ago memories, far more faded than the 20 plus year-old photographs. There were photos of past Christmases, hockey games, old dogs, friends, dinners and photos of me far younger than my son is now, parading many bad hairstyles, big glasses, and even bigger smiles.

But beyond the bad fashion choices, what I saw amongst the snapshots was a life filled with love.

Life is supporting me by showing me I am loved.

How is life supporting you? What blessings are waiting for you to remember? Take a few minutes, closing your eyes, and rediscovering how you are supported by grace, by God and by life.

Sending you love and happiness.

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