Eternal​ Ten Minutes

Day 3 of 14 Affirmation Challenge begins today with me wanting to draw my affirmation card again. I think this may be trending as I had the same desire yesterday. Or maybe I’m just not a fan of looking so closely at myself but the Universe has other plans. Ignore the eye roll.

Today’s Affirmation

I love and accept myself.
Your SELF-IMAGE IS made up of your judgments. It’s not the real you. Sit for ten minutes with this question: What’s it like to be me when I’m not judging myself?

Louis Hay and Robert Holden

Ten Minutes

“Sit for ten minutes with this question: What’s it like to be me when I’m not judging myself?” I read the card again…OK, I can do this. Let’s imagine the jeopardy tune playing softly in the background while I set the timer for ten minutes sweating profusely…ready? Yeah, me either, but I’m jumping into self-reflection. Ready, set, go!

  • 52-year-old woman, divorced with two grown children and one grandchild.
  • Single, very single (hard not to judge, moving on).
  • Mixed up feelings of loss, potential and possibilities seem to be on my heart and on the mind.
  • I have an endless source of love for others and, yet, exhausted with endless giving.
  • I love petting my son’s little dogs and loving on them since they always seem happy to see me
  • A demanding job that doesn’t quite bring me joy and one that may be on its way out in a very short time, but has brought me financial security.
  • A woman in pursuit of joy and companionship (why is it so hard to find?).

And there you have it; ten minutes of self-examination with a whole lot of trying not to judge but judging all the same. I really need to work on the judging bit. Am I the only one that seems to fall short on the spectrums? Maybe I need to spend a bit more time with this affirmation. Just saying.

For My Highest Good

For clarity, I drew a few more cards from my goddess deck. Amazing how similar themes are running through today’s message. I know that the life that I have, as it sits today, is no longer an option. Fate has stepped in and stripped me bare leaving me wide open to…something. But the only way to move into NEW is to leave the OLD behind and, boy, how hard grief has smacked me in the face as I acknowledge this.

  • What I need to know now: Death and Magic, goddess Morrighan
  • What do I need to do: Creative Spark, goddess Brigid
  • What could the potential outcome be if continue this path: Flow, goddess Rhea

I also am aware that potential is just around the corner waiting with a brand new adventure, and that’s the way life is. But I also know I need to find a bit more kindness and generosity for this 52-year-old woman who is kinda kickass with a great ability to thrive even in the dark days. It just may take her a bit to come around. Hey, why didn’t I think about that during my ten minutes? I think I need a do-over. Let me know if you try it and it goes.

Sending you love and happiness.

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