I received the best compliment of the year…yes, I know, we are barely in the middle of January, but, hey, its still an awesome compliment and just maybe a sign for all the amazing stuff coming our way this year. Fingers crossed!
And exactly what was it?
“You are delightful.”
You Are Delightful
Delightful. What a beautiful word. A bit old fashioned (like myself?) and a vibe I can only hope I continue to exude like a sparkling dust of fine sugar sweetening everyday moments. At least I hope I can measure up to being delightful…maybe not all the time but how about some of the time? Or maybe its a goal or trait to aspire to? Let’s see how it goes this year. Maybe if we all spent our time aspiring to being delightful we wouldn’t have time to be spreading discontentment in the world – just a thought.
Just for fun I’m sharing a few items I found in my online pursuit of delight:
- Ross Guy, an American writer, explores delight in his collection of essays, The Book of Delights, published in 2019.
- The Show of Delights, This American Life, published last year but, oh so, timeless. Take a listen!
You are wonderfully made
Have you received a compliment that gave you a pause and then a smile, recognizing a nugget of truth? We are all wonderfully made with unique, inherent qualities that make the earth a better place for being here. But sometimes those soul qualities we are meant to share gets buried in the crush of just getting by. What if we all took a pause, really a time-out, to REMEMBER who we are and why we are here?
Soul Message
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
New International Version Psalm 139:14
Sending you love and happiness.