Mom, you can’t say that

“Mom, you can’t say that. You have to generalize,” my son said, emphasizing generalize. My vacant stare must of said it all as he went on to explain how I should speak in generic terms and not to use explicit pronouns or language that might be inflammatory like he or she or any identity distinction.

Mmmm. How do I navigate this new, modern world without getting myself in trouble? I wonder if that’s how people felt in the industrial revolution? Or is that being a revisionist? Or maybe I’m just an ‘ist’ no matter how I shake it because I’m over 50 and not hip. But I’ve never been hip. Or cool. Or trendy or whatever the new word of the day is.

Now I’m an ageists.

Modern Etiquette

I’m sure you are up to speed on modern etiquette in our fast pace society, however it appears I’m not. Which then led me to start thinking about etiquette in it’s entirety. Where does one go to learn about current etiquette? Once upon a time one could pen a letter to Dear Abby. But today we have the world at our fingertips called google.

Oh, google, how I wish it was that easy. Tons of websites pop up about etiquette but not exactly what I was looking for. Maybe I should just stick with listening to my son like a good mom – since it is Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.”

Susan Gale

I became a mom in 1984, then 1990 and then a grandmother in 2010. It’s been an amazing adventure in love throughout the years growing everyday.

I can’t keep a house plant alive, but I’m amazed that I did manage to navigate keeping a couple of humans going. And I guess that’s all that counts, right?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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