January 2020 Prompts for Crafting An Authentic Year Ahead

January Dreams

Crafting an authentic and joyful life takes thoughtfulness, some planning and lots and lots of grace and the month of January is the perfect month to day dream about what you want and/or need. What do you want to see happen in the year ahead? How do you want to feel? Do you have a theme or a word of the year to focus on? Be clear about what you want and need as this sets your course.

Now don’t worry if you aren’t quite sure, life is funny that way but if you trust in the Divine the Universe has a way of showing up in unexpected way. Now where were we? Oh, yeah, jot down your wants and needs in your journal, or maybe one list for the year and one for the month – however you feel like tracking them. Then let go. By the way, don’t be surprised how the universe answers when we check back in down the line.

ACTION: Grab your journal and jot down what comes to you. Bonus points for doodles, pasted magazine pictures and colored emojis.

Jan 2020 Mood Board

12 Adventures to Experience This Year

Life is meant to be experienced. Don’t be a wallflower in your own life. You get one messy, thrilling life…what do you want to do with it? Adventures from exploring in your own back yard to taking an exotic vacation in Bali will open your life up in unexpected ways.

ACTION: What adventures do you want to take? List 12 in your journal. Bonus points for breaking them down by month and hold yourself to them when the time rolls around.

12 Books to Read This Year

Inspiration comes from all kinds of places. Books just happen to be fabulous resources to stretch our minds, guiding us towards knowledge and pleasure unlocking hidden gems. What books are on your list to read this year? Can you read one book A month? If so, that 12 books you will have read by the end of the year. Amazing!

ACTION: List 12 books in your journal and check them off as you read them. There’s something delicious about marking off things from a list, don’t you think?

3 Mindful Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset, and studies have shown that they can increase our feelings of self-worth and who doesn’t want that? Checkout the free affirmation phone wallpapers (backgrounds) I put together to download just for 2020. Affirmations are most helpful if we put them in places to read and since most of us carry a device or two I figured it would make a great resource.

By the way, did you know?

“An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. … You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. Your beliefs are merely habitual thinking patterns that you learned as a child.” The Power of Affirmations – Louise Hay

ACTION: Start by choosing two to three affirmations from the list below that resonate with you to carry you into the year or write your own.

  1. I create joyful experiences for myself and others.
  2. I give myself space to grow and learn.
  3. I allow myself to be who I am without judgment.
  4. I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guides.
  5. I accept and trust myself.
  6. I make space for curiosity in my heart.
  7. I love life and it is safe to love unconditionally.
  8. I am willing to explore and open myself to new experience.
  9. I create a life filled with joy and gratitude.
  10. I bring love everywhere I go.

Getting By With A little Help From Our Friends

We all need a little help along the way to get our creative juices flowing. Here are a few resources

Let me know how your dreamy January planning goes for the year. And don’t forget to share your adventures with me over on Facebook or Instagram. And I will do the same. Together we can motivate each other towards crafting an authentic year bringing joy into the unexpected.

By the way, come back for February’s prompts and mood board inspiration. I’ll have some cute prompts as we get closer to the month of Love.

Sending you love and happiness!

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