It’s All About Love

It’s All About Love on day 3 of @positivelypresent 2019 gratitude challenge.

Did you know that for every language there is a word for love? But the meaning of love crosses so many boundaries and morphs depending on who said it, the context it was said in, even the enunciation can change the meaning. There are feelings to consider (so many FEELINGS). There are relationships to consider (commit/don’t commit/somewhere in the middle). Let’s just agree there is a lot to consider to this very simple word L O V E.

Before sitting down to write I popped online researching pages and pages. There is a minefield of information all on the meaning of love. Wow. I encourage you to check it out yourselves. For those of you with a very analytical mind love may not be a riddle easily solved. However, many have tried. My personal favorite happens to be the Greek’s 6 words described here at Yes Magazine.

  1. Eros – sexual passion
  2. Philia – deep friendship
  3. Ludus – playful love
  4. Agape – love for everyone
  5. Pragma – longstanding love
  6. Philautia – love of the self

My Very Personal Opinion: No matter how you slice or dice it love begins internally with each of us. I’m so grateful that love is an ember of warmth that, if nurtured, flares to a glowing fire warming all who nears its presence.

Love begins with me. It begins with you. Love connects us. Love grows us. Love excites us. Love is the adventure of a lifetime. Like the Beatles’ song goes “all you need is love”.

Here’s to L O V E! Cheers!

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️


Positively Presents 2019 30 day gratitude challenge.

THE CHALLENGE DETAILS (as found @positivelypresents)

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