I Am Beautiful. You Are Beautiful. We Are Beautiful.

I Am Beautiful. You Are Beautiful. We Are Beautiful.

Hello, day 9 of 14 affirmation challenge.

“I am beautiful, and everybody loves me. Carry this thought with you today and notice the effect on you and others.”

Louise Hay and Robert Holden

What a beautiful message to start the day today’s affirmation. But between you me and the vast web this is another area that I struggle with. Blame it on media and society but ultimately I own my feelings, no matter what messages are bombarding me to fit into society’s norm of acceptable beauty standard. 🙄

Because I don’t fit the norm and have never fit the story being sold to women over the years. I’ve had to navigate this river of self-doubt to get to the other side of “enough”. It’s a heck of a swim and let me tell you I often get swept away in some heavy currents of bullshit. But then I dog paddle my way back to gentler shores. I recommend you do the same.

So my very beautiful friends, (and my beautiful self), no matter what shape, size or age remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. ❤️

Rinse. Repeat. 😎

Recapping My Affirmation Challenge

Day 1 of 14 Affirmation Challenge
Love Note To Me
Eternal Ten Minutes
Are You Feeling It?
Storm’s A Brewin’
A New Day and A New Attitude Emerge
Miraculous​ Gifts Are On The Way
Approaching Each Day With Love

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

3 thoughts on “I Am Beautiful. You Are Beautiful. We Are Beautiful.

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