Creating Your Best Life

Creating your best life takes thoughtfulness, some planning and lots and lots of grace. Without knowing what you want, or your Ikigai (reason for being) and taking actions to make it happen, means you will never “manifest” shit. And I don’t buy into the woowoo “if you think it, then it will happen”. My dear, that’s a load of rubbish.

What I believe is that what you think, combined with energy and actions you take, will manifest your Life Story that is meant for you. What I tell my kids, and I’m sharing with you, is every action creates a reaction. And it all starts with our thoughts, and what we do with them.

So, how do you create your best life? Here’s 3 not-so-easy steps:

  1. Envision: what does your best life look like? This is your “purpose” or your “happy place” or your “why” or “what gets you up in the morning”.
  2. Feel: how do you want to feel? Start from gratitude and go from there.
  3. Act: what steps do you need to take? Think “goals” but I personally find this word off putting. I rather like thinking about actions or small, baby steps that I can take that brings me closer to my best life. See number 1.


Absolutely not.

If it was easy we would all be millionaires, driving Mercedes and curing world hunger.


Instead, we are all on life paths playing the game of life, doing the best we can. Can we do better? You bet. Could we be doing worse? Yep, but let’s not go in that direction. Instead, lets focus on what’s in our wheel house, meaning focus on your individual purpose and talents. I’ll give you an example; I’m short, I don’t like to run and I’m over 50. Put this all together and being an Olympic athlete is probably not going to happen for me. Make sense?

How do we get there?

I’m so glad you asked.

It all starts with getting clear and from there its an inward journey. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Getting Clear


Creating our best life starts with taking time to do some inner work. I know. I know. I wish we could do an I Dream of Genie act and blink our eyes to make it happen. But life doesn’t work that way. It takes work. Internal work. But before we get to that hard-but-oh-so-good for you work we have to get clear. We need to get centered.

3 Steps to Getting Clear


You don’t have to do anything to breathe, our amazing bodies breathe automatically which is incredible if you think about it. But between stress, physical conditions and learned behaviors we sometimes forget to take a good breath. You know the kind; the deep, soul satisfying, cell enriching breaths. Let’s do it now. INHALE, 1234, HOLD,1,2,3,4, EXHALE. Awwweeee.


There are several exercises or practices for performing an energy cleanse. From crystal baths to visualizations pick the exercise that purges the yucky feelings and fills you with white, happy light.

Here’s a meditation exercise to get you started. Focus on your breath for a few minutes. With your eyes closed, imagine you are underneath a gentle waterfall, the water washing away any unwanted feelings or negativity. See all of those feelings being swept away until the water runs clear. Spend as much time as you need. Remember to breathe.


Gather together objects that center you, but remember they must make you happy. Crystals are beautiful, with helpful properties that you may find beneficial. Candles, in your favorite scent or color, promotes attention and comfort. Turn on music that you love. Brew a soothing herbal cup of tea, sip it from a tea cup or a mug that makes you smile. Grab your favorite journal and pen. Start with all your blessings and express your gratitude. 

Still Stuck? Don’t know where to start? Here’s a pretty good suggestion to get you unstuck.

Dan Buettner, author,suggests making three lists: your values, things you like to do, and things you are good at. The cross section of the three lists is your ikigai. (Remember this is your happy place.)

Now let your imagination run wild. Picture your best life ever. What does it look like? Don’t censor yourself. Let the words flow. Don’t be shy. This is your life. You get to make it as BIG as you want to go. 

Get your FREE simple PDF guide on getting clear by clicking the link below.

Simple Guide to Creating Your Best Life

I’m so excited to share with you in my next post on creating vision boards using Pinterest! Sometimes I need a bit more than a journal to get jump started. Old school vision boards are great and very tactile, but what’s better is jumping into the digital age and keeping those motivating images close at hand. Until then!

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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