Happy New Year! The calendar turned and we’ve entered 2022 just in time for a new moon. And you know what that means – time to pause and do a little dreaming, a little planning and a whole lot of self care!

Why self care?

Because self care fuels the body, mind and soul so that we have the capacity to get up, get dressed and kick ass. And what better way to start a new year, a new moon and a new month than with a little self love and heart chakra clearing?

Get grounded.

Give yourself the gift of dedicated time to care for yourself, to become grounded and to open yourself up to Spirit. Whatever that looks like for you.

Does a crystal bubble bath light up your heart? Then pour that bath, add your favorite bath oils, scatter a few rose quartz crystals, step in, breathe in, breathe out and just be.

Maybe candles are more your thing. To promote love, self care, and intimacy light a pink candle. For me, I tend to always have white candles which are calming, opening my connection to Spirit.

Rejoice in the newness

Say a soul prayer, a mantra, an affirmation. Know that wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be, but that the cusp of newness awaits. This is the time to dream, to envision what you want, and how you want to feel. Don’t be shy. This is your life. Go BIG. Embrace all the newness circling around us right now.

Make a list.

Grab a pen, a tablet, your phone or whatever you want to use to capture your desires, your wishes, your dreams for this year. This is not a resolution list! No resolutions allowed here in this space, instead I’m encouraging you to focus on heart chakra opening dreams. What makes your heart happy? What rings you warm and fuzzy feelings?

Save your list.

You’re going to want to save your list somewhere you can refer to it often. Because this list isn’t something to write and forget. Nope. Refer to this list often as it’s your heart’s guide. You can often find my list on my fridge. Yep, from the practical ‘power wash house’ to ‘open heart to one new adventure’ the list is there front and center.

Changes Ahead.

Don’t be afraid to scratch items off your list. Don’t be afraid to erase a line or add items. This is your list. This is your life. And change is life. What’s important is how you feel. How you show up for yourself. Did you add a resolution to your list and it’s soul sucking? Scratch that sucker off. Instead focus on what makes your heart happy. Do that.

Because a happy human being makes other human beings happy.

Because that’s all we want.

Sending you love and happiness.

My heart beats the rhythm of love.

Louise Hay

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