You do you…you do you

You do you, girl. Today’s kindness message is all about being kind to ourselves. Do something for you. Reclaim joy. Reclaim kindness.

My day was filled with working from home, playing with Little Bear and thinking about what I want. Or more like where I want to live. These thoughts circle around me like bees to honey.

I paused and treated myself to a frozen chocolate brownie as a gift of kindness to myself. Because kindness starts inside of us. It’s kindness that buds inside of our heart center, blossoming into a fragrant bouquet- enough to gift to others. But we have to slow down enough to be kind to ourselves before those flowers can bloom.

3 Affirmations To Do You, Girl

  1. I feed my soul with soul food.
  2. I give myself the gift of acceptance.
  3. My heart is overflowing with love.

Kindness starts with each of us. Take a few minutes and show yourself a bit of love.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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