Wherever you are now stop. In this moment where are you? What are you thinking about? Are you happy? Sad? Worried? Uncertain? Maybe all of the above? Did you enjoy your Easter holiday (if you observe it) or did the weekend go by in a blur?
Looking at the calendar I just noticed its April 13th. Its been one month since the President of the United States declared a national emergency on March, Friday the 13th due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our world has changed drastically.
That may be the most understated statement ever.
Since that ominous Friday the 13th we have been sequestered to our homes, losing freedoms, losing jobs, losing lives and am I the only one losing motivation? I’m tired of politics. I’m tired of the virus. And I’m so tired of the news. Sigh.
Sparking Some Fun With Affirmations
Wherever you are now let’s turn the day around with some fun. And fun doesn’t have to be big and fancy. It can be as simple as looking up at the sky above you sending a quick blessing out to someone you love. It can also be as simple as saying an affirmation – as many times as you need to for it to sink in.
I connect to my highest good.
Today’s Affirmation
Sing it, say it, share it. Maybe if we dance, letting the feeling sink into our whole selves all the way down to our toes we will remember that we are always connected our highest good. Even during these uncertain times we can choose to connect. This is such a good reminder for my grumpy self.
Sending you love and happiness.
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