Historic Pandemic Strikes the Globe – It’s time to be kind and pray

Historic pandemic strikes the globe, setting 2020 up for a global social and economic crisis. Stocks are crashing, hospitals over-running, schools and businesses closing and people being sent home from work with no income in sight. Whew! Sounds like a perfect script for a made-for-television sci-fi. Its not.

Instead here we are starting a new week trying to figure out how to navigate new ways of living and working. We are being bombarded every which way we turn on the current status of the dreaded coronavirus and told to self-isolate.


But before we self-isolate we need to fill the pantry, fill the car, fill the medicine cabinet and do so while the rest of the community is doing the same thing. And,unfortunately, some folks don’t have the money to do this. That’s where patience, kindness, generosity and lots of prayer comes in.

3 Things to Keep In Mind

  1. Be mindful when purchasing what you need for your household. Remember that there is no need for a cartload of Lysol for a single home. Seriously, when I was shopping early Saturday morning I watched a woman sweep all of the Lysol cans into her cart and proceeded to wheel her cart around the aisle doing the same thing with other items. This is NOT OK. Buy what you need and let others have an opportunity to purchase items as well. That being said, if you have the means to buy a few extra (not a cart load) please consider sharing a few items with others that may not have the means to do so. Or donate to the local food bank or another volunteer organization to help others.
  2. Be kind to others and ourselves. TURN OFF the media. This is a stressful time for everyone, even our children. Use play as a stress reliever. Laughter is a BIG stress buster. Instead of focusing on all the negatives think about the positives, like more time to love on each other and spoil our fur babies. Pull out the board games, turn on some music for a dance party, or craft home-made pizzas with the family. Laugh, love and enjoy each other.
  3. Be patient while we learn how to navigate in this new world and ways of working. When the crazy is happening all around us we can do the world a lot of good just by pausing for a minute before reacting. Instead of snapping in anger or frustration, offer a prayer of healing. Send out positive, healing vibes into our world and watch the change inside of you, letting peace and patience root deep down inside of your heart. This is a good time to practice a little self-care too. If you need to chat or a shoulder to lean on reach out. I’m happy to connect with you.

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As always, I’m sending you lots of love and happiness.

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