Day 1 in Boulder: Slipping Out Early

Slipping out of the crowded conference room around 9pm I nearly ran to the sanctuary of my hotel room.

I was wiped.



Overwhelmed by too much estrogen and raised eyebrows at the glass of white wine I was still sipping from dinner.

“At least your sitting in the back,” one lady said, commenting on my glass of wine. I retorted that I’m over 21. Yes, I went there… maybe not the best way to start the next five days.

Have I mentioned I’m not a night owl? And I’m not at my best when being judged?

Due to the weather delaying people’s arrival, and a few technical glitches, they pushed back the conference check in time and start time to almost 8pm.

Seriously, not my cup of tea to sit still for two hours in a crowded room until 10pm at night. If I’m up and moving or interacting I can do it. But after an hour of PowerPoint I knew I was done.

I was sitting near the side door and as the bell tolled (in my foggy brain) I picked up my bag stuffed with conference materials that I had no energy to look at, my wine (warm now and still half full) and left.


I know, I know. I paid a lot of money to be here. I gave myself a stern talking to about being open to this learning adventure all the way to my comfy bed. And I will be.

I swear it.


I will get up, take on the day with an open mind and BIG cup of coffee and kick ass.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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