Word of The Year – Brave

My word of the year – Brave.

When did I start letting fear run my life? I remember being a young woman leaping fearlessly into the unknown with a certainty that fate would catch me. And nine out of ten times it did.

But with days turning into years and increased responsibilities I’ve traded fearlessness into security, of not rocking the boat.

Yes, there is safety in not putting myself out there, of keeping myself contained, controlled. I’ve locked away parts of myself, making excuses, in exchange for security of my own company.

This year, 2019, I’m unlocking the lock and tossing the key in the bin. I want to embrace BRAVERY with arms wide open. Will it be a challenge for me to face my fears? Yes. But living in the shadows, even when it’s comfy and cozy, isn’t living fully. Uggg, how I wish it was.


I love Brene Brown quote on courage. Did you know courage is synonymous with bravery? If you haven’t spent time reading or watching or listening to Brene Brown stop everything and go check her work out. She’s an amazing author and speaker that changes lives.

It’s time for me to show up. To step into the light to be seen.

My 2019 word of the year, BRAVE.

My mantra “I am BRAVE”.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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