Using Pinterest To Rock 2019 – Designing A Vision Board

2018 is drawing to a close. Take a moment to review how the year has fared for you. What were the high notes? What might you do differently next timeespecially since 2019 is right around the corner?

Ending 2018 consciously and starting 2019 with a strong foothold towards creating your optimal life will hopefully help steer you clear of a few bumps in the road. Be clear on what you wish to contribute to the world, activities in which you will partake, what you will forgo this year, and how you will design your life. 

What is a Vision Board?

vision board (sometimes called a dream board) is a tool used to visualize and focus on specific life goals. Literally, it is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.

This can be done using a physical board where you cut out pictures and affirmations, gluing them on. Upside is you can place the board where you can see it often. Or you can create a digital board, snap a screen shot and use the images as a screensaver or background to keep you focused.

Getting Clear

Whichever way you go, now is a good time to consciously review, with gratitude, your 2018 blessings and lessons. This will help you get clear on what you want for 2019. Give yourself time to get centered then jump into envisioning your best life! I created a simple guide for getting clear – it’s free and I’m not even asking you to subscribe…just my gift to you in hopes it helps jump start you on a really positive 2019. Take your time to get clear and get your journal out to help noodle through. Need a little inspiration? Here’s 50 fun things to learn.

Creating a 2019 Vision Board using Pinterest

Now that you’re clear, close your eyes. What do you see? What do you want in 2019? What are your dreams? Let your thoughts flow. Pop over to Pinterest. You can find a zillion inspirational pins for your board.

Tip: I’m creating a board specifically for 2019. You can create vision boards for specific periods of time such as 1 year, 5 years ten years. It’s up to you.


First things first – create a secret board

Log into Pinterest and create a new board. Make sure you click to make it secret. It’s important to keep your vision board private. This is yours and only yours.

Beneath the Board Name use this section to set your 2019 intentions for your dream. This is your prayer and gratitude for what is unfolding in your life for 2019. Express gratitude and acknowledgment that it is done for your highest good.

Create Board Section(s) For Your Dreams

What areas are you focusing on? Health? Are you trying to get in shape? Relationships? Financial fitness? Whatever you choose to focus on, use the Section Name to set your intention. Create as many sections as you want to match your focus areas. Be sure to write your intentions with gratitude and trust that whatever happens is for the highest good.

Tip: the section name is limited to 180 characters. I think this helps me be concise in my intention.

Start Pinning!

This is the fun part. Search and pin. Pinterest will take you on a journey of discovery – may be even ideas and images that might prompt other motivating ideas.

Either way you go, an old school vision board or a digital version using Pinterest, remember to take time to get clear on what you want. Give yourself space to find your center. Creating your best life takes thoughtfulness, some planning and lots and lots of grace. 

For more information on vision boards check out this post on mindvalley blog.

Tickle Your Soul Questions To Get You Started


Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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