Tis the season to change it up

Tis the season to change it up. I’ve been admiring other websites, wondering if it’s time to personally do some digital cleanup on my blog? Clicking away on Pinterest, I find tech savvy bloggers with sparkling beautiful websites turning me green with tech envy.

The only thing is, I’m not a tech guru and it takes time (ok – a boat load of time and a few small miracles) for me to figure it all out. But I have a few weeks off…and if I can find time between baking, shopping and the beach, I mean Christmas, I just may fit some time in to dust off the pixels trying something new.

Street sign

No promises.

But if you see my blog flicker like a broken street sign just know it’s me tinkering on the design. And content. And well, you never know what will happen when I’m behind the wheel. Expect the unexpected.

Wish me luck!

Sending you love and happiness!❤️

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