Snow Found It’s Way Creating Flight Delays

Hello, April!

It snowed last night. It’s hard to believe that yesterday was clear and sunny, a beautiful Spring Easter Day.

But this morning we woke up to snow, the first I’ve seen since leaving Alaska. I don’t miss the gray snowy days. My daughter told me that in Pittsburgh there’s a saying “don’t like the weather? Just wait an hour.”  So true!

I’m looking forward to going home to water my flowers and herbs but how I’m going to miss my girls

My daughter braved the Monday morning commuter traffic to drop me off at the airport. Miss R was not a happy camper.

But I sat in the back seat with Miss R chatting about summer and possible vacation plans trying to dispel the sadness of leaving my girls. It was a quick weekend trip, flying by in a whirl wind. But those are sometimes the best. Long enough for a bit of fun, short enough not to over stay my welcome.

Sending you love and happiness! ❤

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