Strange days demand delicious comfort. Whatever that might look like for you. I’ve lost count of the days we have been under shelter in place orders and, unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we are any closer to being released.
The news is dark with pandemic updates. Social media is hardly better. Am I the only one who feels like we are at the beginning of an apocalyptic movie? Yeah, well instead of dwelling on the horrible endings of those movies I’d rather turn my attention to some delicious comfort.
Refreshing The Pantry
The first step on my journey to comfort is refreshing my depleted pantry. And, yes, that meant venturing out to the market. My mood lifted as my son and I drove to Trader Joe’s with thoughts of fragrant flowers floating in my thoughts. I know, I know, not a necessity, but flowers make me happy.
My mood dipped as we pulled into the parking lot. The line outside the closed doors manned by a masked and gloved employee, made the decision for us. We would not be shopping at Trader Joe’s this week. No flowers for me. Just another sign of the times.
Target Run
Thank goodness for Target near by, with no lines outside in sight. It was strangely quiet with few shoppers. We picked up the makings for a delicious stew and managed to even buy toilet paper. Gasp. Yes, a major score in this time of toilet paper scarcities.
What’s in your car?
We maneuvered our sanitized cart down the isles picking up enough items to see is through the week, ensuring we picked up a bag of doggie treats that Ms. Lila would eat. She’s a very finicky snacker. Our target run was brief and we were home shortly after leaving. The dogs barely had time to miss us.
How quickly our days have changed.
Delicious Comfort
Between putting away our purchases and sanitizing my counter, I brewed a pot of coffee inhaling it’s familiar comforting scent. Coffee. I briefly wonder if coffee will become a scarce luxury if crazy global pandemic continues. Them I mentally chide myself…people are dying and I’m thinking about coffee.
It’s the simple pleasures that keeps us going though. And whatever your simple pleasure is, remember to indulge in its comfort. In this anxiety ridden time, I firmly believe we must find enjoyment where we can. This simple act of mindful enjoyment lifts spirits, minimizing the doldrums. And we all need that!
Sending you love and happiness.
All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good.