Getting Lost in Lost

Where was I when Lost first aired and had the coffee coolers set ablaze with chatter about who, what and did you know? I faintly remember it popping up in conversation but swatted it away with whatever I was busy doing.

Now with the luxury of streaming I’m discovering Lost a few years late to the water cooler. To be honest it’s taking me a bit to wade through the episodes and seasons with all the twists and plot turns. I’m rounding the corner and heading into the last season. I think I can see it to the end.

But patience is sometimes not my greatest aptitude. I fast forward, I skip ahead and then have to rewind because my impatience caused me to miss a twist.

Reminds me of life.

How many times do I race ahead, barely paying attention, only to miss something that’s important? Only in the real world we don’t get the opportunity to rewind. Nope. The moment is gone.

And that’s a shame.

Slowing down. Paying attention. All good tips to remind myself to enjoy the now, focusing on the important things, while not rushing on to the next without thought.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

2 thoughts on “Getting Lost in Lost

  1. I’ve never watched Lost, I’m like you I haven’t the patience to sit still too long. I did notice the cute details on the collars of your dogs though! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Hi- yep, they are pampered pooches! So adorable, and they run the house. LoL! Be careful if you start watching Lost. It will suck you in. 😁

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