Good Morning, Buenos Aires

One thing that is completely certain in my travel misadventures is the fact that I will get lost and the journey to anywhere is not my favorite bit.

I could bore you with the flight delays, sleep deprivation, my bank card and business credit card not working, the room key not working a whopping 3 times, the maid tossing my salad and cherished cup of ice in the trash bin, trying again with room service and still no luck with ice until pure crankiness drive me to me bed early at the Hilton.

Moving on.

Starbucks anywhere in the world

I’m a self-confessed coffee junkie who appreciates that there is a Starbucks almost anywhere in the world. ❤️ I know, no matter the language barrier, I can always find the familiar cup of coffee and breakfast sandwich.

Sunday Walk

Winter in BA is chilly, to say the least, but the sun came out Sunday morning making it perfect for exploring a bit of the city.

How could I resist ducking into a local wine shop? I roamed the shop, visiting with the clerk who helped me select an Argentina Malbec and a bottle of olive oil.

Old World Feel

As I wandered the streets I couldn’t shake the feeling that Burma’s Aires is a blend of Rome and Barcelona. From the old architecture to the beautiful seaside air it was easy to relax into a laxative Sunday.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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