What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Everything! And with that, February’s prompts for crafting an authentic year ahead has arrived and its all about LOVE! Who’s ready for stepping into a new month? Grab your journal and your fun, colorful pens…Ready? Let’s go!

The month of love has arrived. LOVE. Love has so many different meanings and context. But what I’ve found is that if we do not have a solid love for ourselves it is difficult to find love with others. And to find love for ourselves begins with remembering who we are. We were born into this world as tiny, loving babies meant to be adored. We once were toddlers finding joy in rays of sunshine and dancing butterflies just beyond reach..

When did that stop?

It’s time to remember. We are beautiful creatures, miraculously designed, with infinite capacity to love and be loved. Let’s infuse LOVE back into our everyday lives by trusting that God knew what he was doing when he created us. It’s time to explore LOVE.

ACTION: LOVE exercise. Set a timer for 15 minutes. In your journal write down all the ways you are special and loved. Think of that little child inside of you…what would you say to express your love?


What do you want to do this month? Share champagne in bed with that special someone – you? Or explore the local library to discover what’s on the shelves? Remember life is meant to be experienced. Give yourself permission to explore. Go as big or as small as you want. Just go. Experience one new thing. I dare you.

Bonus points for adventuring out exploring LOVE.

ACTION: Close your eyes and think about what makes you bubble up with joy. What makes you bounce with anticipation? Pick one adventure that will evoke that feeling of joy. Now go do it.

Monthly Reads

Remember the exercise from last month listing 12 books to read this year in your journal? Go back to the list and find a book that sparks your interest for this month. Not feeling it? That’s ok, you can always pick something new and add it to your list. Here’s a few you may like:

ACTION: Review your list of12 books from last month in your journal . Pick a book that speaks to you. Read a bit at a time or all in one go. Give yourself bonus points for reading it by the end of the month.

Everyday Mindful Moments

We don’t have to run off to a yoga retreat or even a yoga class to practice mindfulness. Here are a few everyday mindful moments to get you feeling centered.

  • Breathe. Yep, that’s it. Take a deep breath, hold and then gently exhale. Repeat for a few minutes and before you know it you will be feeling the wonderful oxygen flowing bringing a sense of calm.
  • Be present. Disconnect from technology when out to dinner. I know of a friend who makes everyone put their phone in the middle of the table and the first one who picks it up pays the bill. A bit extreme? Maybe, but it got the point across. When connecting with others be present in that moment. Your device can wait.


Affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset, and studies have shown that they can increase our feelings of self-worth and who doesn’t want that? Checkout the free affirmation phone wallpapers (backgrounds) I put together to download just for 2020. 

ACTION: Start by choosing two to three affirmations from the list below that resonate with you to carry you into the year or write your own.

  1. My relationships are open, honest and full of abundance.
  2. Love surrounds me and everyone around me.
  3. I am attracting my dream future.
  4. I am confident, self-assured and full of charisma.
  5. I exhale negativity and inhale happiness.
  6. Today I will continue to create the foundation of a happy and loving relationship.
  7. A happy partnership is supportive, balanced and affectionate.

Getting By With A little Help From Our Friends

We all need a little help along the way to get our creative juices flowing. Here are a few resources

Let me know how your month of love goes. And don’t forget to share your adventures with me over on Facebook or Instagram. And I will do the same. Together we can motivate each other towards crafting an authentic year bringing joy into the unexpected.

Sending you love and happiness.

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