Life Starts NOW With Every Choice

“I can’t wait until my life starts,” said my nine year old granddaughter. My heart stopped.

“Oh, honey, your life has already started with every choice you make,” I reassured her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

We went on to talk about what we do everyday from brushing our teeth in the morning to what we choose to eat that all adds up to living our life. What a concept to think about – especially for kids, let alone for this grandma. It’s tough being a human in training. I should know it’s been over 50 years and I’m still learning!

5 Affirmations to Share With Your Special Human In Training

And since I’m a fan of affirmations here are a few for our young, beautiful growing children. It’s never to early to learn a bit of mindfulness.

  1. I am a quick, capable learner.
  2. I am unique and beautiful.
  3. I am kind and generous to others.
  4. Others respect me for following my own beliefs.
  5. I forgive others for sometimes doing the wrong thing, and I forgive myself when I do the same.

Sending you love and happiness. ❤️

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