The Gift of Giving

Giving, in all forms, honors our Creator. Sharing our blessings, with a willing and generous heart, acknowledges the Provider who has abundantly cared for us.

Over the last month we have watched the spirit of giving in communities across the States struggling with hurricanes, storms and fires. It is a joy to witness the Spirit move through hearts turning devastation into rebirth.

Times are hard. Doubt creeps in. Loss is all around us. Darkness has settled and I know, for me personally, it’s sometimes hard to find the light when I feel as if everything has been sucked into a void. But at the darkest times small gifts appear; a kind word, a message of encouragement, a helping hand. And in turn, when giving freely and generously it lifts you up. It honors the Universe and acknowledges that all will be provided for…somehow, someway.

Today’s opportunity is the gift of giving. It is giving freely of myself and my resources (expecting nothing in return), knowing that the ultimate Provider has my back and will multiply the kindness ten fold.



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