The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitude

The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge

Want to participate? Each Friday, we’ll provide a theme. Publish a new post with a photo interpreting the weekly theme. Create a pingback to this week’s challenge to share your post with the community. 

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The mystic, the hermit, and the wander archetypes all come out to play as I breathe in the glorious colors at play. Closing my eyes I feel the colors of Fire sink into my soul. Its sherbet colored outcrops and forever blue skies centers me.


Breathe in Love. Breathe out negativity.

Embrace the vast emptiness. Let its peace flow through you . Feel the solitude. Know in this moment you are blessed.

Valley of Fire is a short drive, less than an hour, outside the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas. Go. Embrace the desert’s gift of solitude. 




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